Manual removal instructions:

%common appdata%\exttag\s-zap.dll
Full path on a computer: %COMMON APPDATA%\EXTTAG\S-ZAP.DLL
File Size: 4107288
MD5: 550C31445449E2928CC19F408F711FFD

Antivirus testing: 8 / 68
Dangerous Status: Potentially unwanted
Malware Aliases: Generic W32.HfsAdware Program.Unwanted.710 MSIL/Adware.EoRezo (variant) Trojan.MSIL.Dropper

What is S-ZAP.DLL and how dangerous is it?

S-ZAP.DLL software is detected as PUP-gen (potentially unwanted program).

Why users find S-ZAP.DLL as "unwanted" application?

Annoying Advertisement

  1. Advertisement misleading you into visiting another site or downloading files.
  2. Delivering out-of-context advertising, which worsen your computing, experience.

    1. S-ZAP.DLL shows pop-up ads or text ads or advertising banners.
      The banners are really invasive. There is no way to stop S-ZAP.DLL unwanted pop-ups.

      Breaking your privacy

      S-ZAP.DLL is spying on almost everything you do!

      Unwanted behavior

      After infecting with S-ZAP.DLL, you can find that your PC is running slow.
      You can see:
      1. Unwanted processes that you can not control.
      2. Changing your computer and browser settings without your permission.

      S-ZAP.DLL is preventing you from removing it. You cannot uninstall S-ZAP.DLL, delete its files and folders.

      How did I get infected with S-ZAP.DLL?

      S-ZAP.DLL like many Win32pup-Gen programs is often downloaded in a bundle with other program like free software, audio and video convert programs, cracked games etc.
      S-ZAP.DLL can also be bundled within the custom installer on many download sites, so if you have downloaded a software from these web sites, chances are that S-ZAP.DLL was installed during the software setup process.

      How to protect myself from being infected with S-ZAP.DLL again?

      Use the most powerful malware killer and anti-rootkit: UnHackMe!
      You can avoid Win32pup-Gen infections like S-ZAP.DLL by not downloading software from unknown sources and web sites containing illegal content.
      Check applications and software you want to download.
      S-ZAP.DLL is related to: Win32-PUP-gen, S-ZAP.DLL.

      Remove S-ZAP.DLL now!

Dmitry Sokolov:

I created UnHackMe in 2006 to fix the problem that antivioruses did not fix: detecting rootkits.

Since that time I work every day to fix the issues that antiviruses cannot.

If your antivirus have not helped you solve the problem, you should try UnHackMe.

We are a small company and you can ask me directly, if you have any questions.


You can read UnHackMe testimonials here.